You are enough.

This is my first blog post. My intention is to bring you interesting information that will make your parenting journey easier. I think we can all agree that it doesn’t need to be any harder! Even if you have a textbook “easy” baby it still isn’t easy! Almost every family I have the pleasure of visiting feels like they are failing in some manner and that they are doing “IT” wrong. That “IT” can be any number of things. We are all trying to do the best we can. I say this a lot but here it is again. “We are all doing the best we can with the information we have right now.” You can do this! You will learn and grow and so will your baby. You get to learn from each other and that is exactly how it was intended to be. Love your baby. Respond to your baby. They will show you what you need and YOU ARE ENOUGH!

Warmth and Hugs, Reagan